Tuesday, April 22, 2008



I love sleep.

What's the deal with sudden insomnia?

For the last week or so, I get tired before I'm actually able to go to bed. Then, it seems I pass this magical point... at which time I wake up and catch a second wind. Yet all I really want to be doing is

Minus is passed out on the edge of the bed like usual. I wish I could fall asleep that easily...

adl;fkoiadnkfka;adf. I will be angry at 7:30 am...
Any suggestions? (Not Nyquil... I'm one of the small percentage that reacts weirdly... it makes me super hyper!)

1 comment:

Natalie Strickland said...

i love puppies and kitties too! ahahaha. youve turned me into an insomniac too....darnnn youuuuu!